Day 2 Job 29-32
Day 3 Job 33-36
Day 4 Job 37:1-40:5, Psalm 19
Day 5 Job 40:6-42:17, Psalm 29
Day 6 Exodus 1-4
Some thoughts and questions for this week:
- We hit on this a bit in Sunday School this week, but as you get to the end of Job, pay close attention to what God tells Job about his place in the world, his understanding of God's plan and creation, and his right to question God's judgment. Note that God does this in a stern but loving manner, allowing Job to repent and restoring his prosperity.
- As we transition from Job to Exodus, we move from the story of one of God's children to the story of God's Chosen People, from individual to nation. One thing that doesn't change is the window we have into God's sovereignty and His plan for the world. As with Genesis, don't look to the characters in Exodus as great moral examples unless the text specifically says so. Remember that while Exodus has lots of people in it, it is ultimately about God. Ask yourself what Exodus is saying about God. Watch for the ways that God uses both His children and His enemies to accomplish His purposes.